What quality does a Phase One bring to your images?
We asked Nicklas Bågvinge about just that.
Want to test a Phase One?: http://bit.ly/YSodvA
Here's Nicklas' answer:
"The details of the image that Phase One and the IQ260 digital back delivers is magical. I know now that if I fail in a client assignment it is not because of my camera but only on myself as a photographer and this is how I want it to be. It motivates me to work hard for a perfect picture."
from Phase One's Facebook Wall
We asked Nicklas Bågvinge about just that.
Want to test a Phase One?: http://bit.ly/YSodvA
Here's Nicklas' answer:
"The details of the image that Phase One and the IQ260 digital back delivers is magical. I know now that if I fail in a client assignment it is not because of my camera but only on myself as a photographer and this is how I want it to be. It motivates me to work hard for a perfect picture."
from Phase One's Facebook Wall