
Worldwide camera shipment analysis for 2014. A very bad year for DSLR and Compact cameras.

Graph 1

Based on the latest CIPA data Dicahub drew those useful graphs. Note that the CIPA data shows the worldwide "shipped" cameras sold by Japanese companies (Samsung and Leica for example are not included).

Graph 1 (on top of this post):
It shows that camera shipments are decreasing over the last two years. Compact camera sales crashed, DSLR fell down and also Mirrorless had a small decrease of shipments.

Graph 2:
A really small good news is that compared on a year to year basis only compact and fixed lens cameras had a small increase compared to last year (remember that graph 1 showed a decrease based on a two year basis).

Graph 3:
compacts are increasing (I think the reason is large sensor high-end compacts.)

figure 4
5. [2012.01-2013.07] mirrorless ratio of system camera was mostly under 20%.
6. [2013.11-2014.12] mirrorless ratio of system camera was mostly about 25%.
7. mirrorless ratio looks like stepped-increasing; [~2013.07] & [2013.11~], except [2012.10-2012.12]
8. we can't know mirrorless ratio will be stepped-increasing.
9. panasonic forecasted mirrorless ratio would be reached 28% in 2014, but it was not realized.
10. samsung forecasted mirrorless will sell more than slr in 3 years, but I think it is difficult.

from Mirrorless Rumors


from レンズ沼探検隊 隊長のブログ ペンタックス沼担当のつぶやきまとめ@Seesaaブログ

"For me the dynamic range and resolution of the Phase One was a real eye opener....

"For me the dynamic range and resolution of the Phase One was a real eye opener. To capture details so fine that I did not even pick up on them with the naked eye was a unique experience.
The quality in the dynamic range in post processing was also enlightening. There is so much range it really gives you a lot of room to be creative. There is a real film like quality to the the captures that I really like the look of. "

These were the words from Phase One Photo Contest winner Geoff Holman when asked about what the biggest benefit of a Phase One is.

You can sign up to test one yourself: http://bit.ly/YSodvA

from Phase One's Facebook Wall


Leica Monochrome officially announced!

As "predicted" by my sources the new Leica Monochrome camera just got announced! Full details and image samples can be seen at Leica (Click here).

Preorders will be online soon at BHphoto (Click here).

from Mirrorless Rumors

First pictures of the amazing little Perar 21mm f/4.5 lens!

Those are the very first images of the new supertiny MS-Optical Perar 21 mm f/4,5 MC Super Wide Triplet lens!

The lens has a close focusing distance of 80cm, tre element optical design, 5,2mm thick(!) and weights 43g only! You can buy the lens for $800 on eBay (Click here).

via DSLRmagazine

from Mirrorless Rumors