

"I want something that’s intuitive and easy to operate and for me Capture One is...

"I want something that’s intuitive and easy to operate and for me Capture One is exactly that.” - Professional photographer Jeff Berlin. Follow link below for full text.

Try Capture One 8.2, for free right here: http://bit.ly/1B154s9

Jeff Berlin's experiences with Capture One
Based in Los Angles, Jeff has a career spanning more than 25 years, which have brought him from Milan to Paris to New York, finally settling in Los Angeles where he has been for about seven and a half years. from Phase One's Facebook Wall

Sony could announce new mirrorless cameras next week!

The official Sony X group Australia posted that teaser of a broken mirror. The test says "stay tuned" and SonyAlphaRumors reports that on may 15 there will be a touch and try event. While there is yet no other official info it's highly likely that we will see new mirrorless cameras next week.

It's rumored that there will be a new A7rII and A6100 camera.

from Mirrorless Rumors