

"What camera I took at the ends of the Earth in search of identity" is the name...

"What camera I took at the ends of the Earth in search of identity" is the name of In My Bag .net's interview with Adam Angelides.

If you followed Adam's instagram takeover you should be able to guess the answer. Read the full article now: http://bit.ly/1AH5qjw

from Phase One's Facebook Wall

Fuji announces a new impressive 4.0 firmware update for the X-T1!

Fuji did it again...make current X-T1 owner very happy again :)

They announced the new 4.0 firmware update that will be released by end of June (Source: Fujifilm).

Here is the list of improvements:

(1) New AF system with Zone and Wide/Tracking modes for effortless capture of moving subjects
(2) Improvement of AF accuracy (The built-in phase detection pixels have the detection range of 0.5EV, an improvement from the previous 2.5EV, delivering phase detection AF performance that enables fast focusing in low-light conditions and on low-contrast subjects.)
(3) Eye Detection AF
(4) Auto Macro mode
(5) AF improvement in the Movie mode

Other Improvements

(1) Improved Shutter Speed Dial operation
(2) Exposure Compensation control in Manual.
(3) Finer lines on the framing grid enhances visibility
(4) Name of Silent mode changed to avoid confusion

from Mirrorless Rumors


from レンズ沼探検隊 隊長のブログ ペンタックス沼担当のつぶやきまとめ@Seesaaブログ


First image of the "Titanium" E-M5II leaks out!

This is the first image of the new Titanium E-M5II. And it will be announced on Tuesday (May 12) along the new 7-14mm f/2.8 and 8mm f/1.8 PRO lenses!

via Digicameinfo (and 43rumors)

from Mirrorless Rumors