
Official Leica invitiation for the Fixed Lens Camera announcement.

Meister-camera.com posted that Leica teaser showing the new Leica camera sketch. Reminder, those are the camera specs we know so far:

1) It looks like a Leica monochrome but is smaller.
2) has a  28mm summilux 1.7  fixed lens.
3) full frame sensor (no info on Megapixel number yet)
4) has image stabilization.
5) Evf

from Mirrorless Rumors


from レンズ沼探検隊 隊長のブログ ペンタックス沼担当のつぶやきまとめ@Seesaaブログ


Leica to announce a new Full Frame fixed lens camera on June 10!

We got info from a highly reliable source about a new Leica camera which is going to be announced on June 10:

1) It looks like a Leica monochrome but is smaller.
2) has a  28mm summilux 1.7  fixed lens.
3) full frame sensor (no info on Megapixel number yet)
4) has image stabilization.
5) Evf

Sounds a lot like a high end version of the current Sony RX1. As usual don't expect this to be a low priced cam!

from Mirrorless Rumors


from レンズ沼探検隊 隊長のブログ ペンタックス沼担当のつぶやきまとめ@Seesaaブログ


CraigBeckta is the man on the Image Quality Professor's blog this week, writing...

CraigBeckta is the man on the Image Quality Professor's blog this week, writing about how to get started Capture One.

You can get started with the free Capture One trial right now: http://bit.ly/1B154s9

Read the blog post here: http://ift.tt/1GbgNrG

Getting started with Capture One Pro 8
Join Craig Beckta, former helicopter mechanic and now professional portrait photographer, on a crash course to Capture One and see how easy it is to get up and running with the software in no time! from Phase One's Facebook Wall