One of them is Thomas Fähnrich Fotografie and the other one Hennes VIII.
Do you recognize Thomas' struggles in the studio?
"I have now done 3 studio shoots with Hennes – the official goat of 1. FC Köln. Every shoot with him is a new challenge because you cannot plan anything in advance. I can think about a light setting, I can think about possible images, but if any of it will happen is entirely up to Hennes. Until now, what always happened was that as soon as we got started, Hennes would do anything but the things the client or I wanted him to do. For the most part, he runs around on a leash for 15-20 minutes in front of my camera or stand with his back to me. But then he would turn around, stand still for two minutes, often just the amount of time I needed – and I was able to get my pictures. Then another 20 minutes would pass with nothing and then again two minutes with photography. So far every shoot with him went like this"
from Phase One's Facebook Wall
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